• Thedeenology
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  • Are you apart of the Men of this generation?

Are you apart of the Men of this generation?

The so called Men of today are followers, long gone the days of leadership.

Your boss is waiting on YOU to perform labour, whilst he’s making a couple calls a day.

Making thrice the money and doing little to no labour.

In desperation, YOU turn up,

because YOU struggle to pay Your BILLs.

You get told to WORK, get in DEBT and you’ll be RICH one day.

Then TIME passes by and your on your DEATH bed, regretting all the time YOU wasted and all the opportunities YOU could’ve took.

We don’t deal with could’ve at Thedeenology,

Your either a Man of purpose or not a Man at all.

If YOU think the Price of Winning is too High,

Wait till YOU get the bill from Regret.